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A Last Look at Your Good Name

14 November 2011 by David Regier

Q. 49. How did Christ humble himself in his death?
A. Christ humbled himself in his death, in that having been betrayed by Judas, forsaken by his disciples, scorned and rejected by the world, condemned by Pilate, and tormented by his persecutors; having also conflicted with the terrors of death, and the powers of darkness, felt and borne the weight of God's wrath, he laid down his life an offering for sin, enduring the painful, shameful, and cursed death of the cross.

Q. 50. Wherein consisted Christ's humiliation after his death?
A. Christ's humiliation after his death consisted in his being buried, and continuing in the state of the dead, and under the power of death till the third day; which hath been otherwise expressed in these words, He descended into hell.

Let us pause to briefly consider what it takes to get mentioned by name, like Judas and Pilate, in the Westminster Catechism.

I'll wait. . .

Even if you've never betrayed your spiritual mentor for modest gain, even if you've never pilfered from the coffers while spouting high-minded ideals about ministry, even if you've never sold out to the enemy because you saw which way the wind was blowing. . .

Even if you've never looked at what was going on, saw that it was all wrong, that everybody had the wrong idea, but man, they're loud. Even if you've never abdicated the authority that you rightfully had by letting the mob rule and then washing your hands. . .

Even if you didn't, at your best, make like brave, brave Sir Robin with the rest of the disciples. . .

Reflect on those names and understand that there will be a day when all history is revealed, and every name, every action recorded as scripture for the purpose of God's glory. Is your name any better than theirs?

Run to the name that is above them, and above all.

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